A vision clouds itself forth within the mind. Bright fields with warm light from a steady sun. A rippling pool. Tepid air blowing the fields of wheat, as though they were running across the earth. Birds chirped quietly in a large maple tree whose leaves grew crimson in the hot sun. Coarse sand stood at the bank of a small pond; the water still and lifeless. Algae bloomed on the surface, creating a green carpet almost thick enough to walk upon. The toes of a young child tipped into the waters edge, as he sat upon the shore. Sand. Then, green grass for the length of a gunter’s chain. Lastly, the field of wheat leading to the small cottage that sat upon a hill. His parents knew he would be here. A frog jumped into the pool via the bank adjacent to the boy. This slightly startled him out of his deep thoughts. Two dragon flies buzzed by his head, stuck together in a mating dance. The boy had come down to the water to fill his canteen, but seeing the algae growth he reconsidered his decision
ASSENT TO THE NON-DEFINITIVE MAGISTERIUM A BRIEF LOOK AT KEY SELECTIONS FROM MAGISTERIAL DOCUMENTS Compiled by Parker H Zurbuch on December 15, 2023 www.catholicisminthecar.com ***The below links are best used in the Google Chrome browser, as they will open to the exact cited paragraph in the particular document. *** EDIT (12-28-2023): To be extra specific, documents themselves do not hold status as either magisterial or not -- only specific sentences or phrases in documents require assent (see Humani Generis 20 for evidence of this). Quanta Cura 5 (Pope BI. Pius IX - 1864): Catholics must assent to Magisterial teachings on faith and morals, but also to teachings on other matters, as well. "Nor can we pass over in silence the audacity of those who, not enduring sound doctrine, contend that “without sin and without any sacrifice of the Catholic profession assent and obedience may be refused to those judgments and decrees of the Apostolic See, whose object is declared to concern t
Thesis: Individuals cannot and ought not accuse the Ordinary Magisterium (OM) of Pope Francis as having had promulgated heresy or serious error. NOTE: Definitions of terms used in this post, and in this blog more widely can be found here . My reasoning for this is two-fold: (1) Why I assert that Pope Francis cannot be accused of heresy. This is because I assess that each instance of Francis' ordinary magisterium which is accused of such heresy can be interpreted (and thus should be interpreted) in an orthodox manner. Thus, the evidence of such heresy is not blatantly obvious; hence the evidence of such heresy is likewise ambiguous. In an instance of ambiguity, the most charitable interpretation should be rendered the acceptable one. [I hope to eventually address argument (1) more specifically by taking a look at the instances in which the OM of Francis has been accused of heresy or serious error, and why such interpretations are not the only interpretations that can b
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