
Showing posts from December, 2023

Catholics Need to Stop "Name Calling"

Catholics Need to Stop "Name Calling" An Exhortation to Irenic Argumentation in Inter-Catholic Debate – Particularly as Regards the Power of Influence Parker H. Zurbuch Published: December 30, 2023 I have seen numerous troubling posts over the last few weeks, including those Catholics referring to their other fellows in religion by utilizing the following fallacies or persuasive techniques. These occur on both "sides" of the current inter-Catholic debates: 1. Ad hominem (fallacious) arguments. These are least common and most apparent when they occur. They are self-explanatory. 2. Persuasive techniques in where persons are shamed for sharing arguments from certain individuals or groups. This is quite common. It seems to be almost an "ad hominem," by extension. Should persons be "shamed" for putting forth certain valid (although *maybe* not sound) agruments from Catholic social media personalities

Reflections on Obedience and Authority by Juan Enrique Zegers A

I want to offer some reflections from a friend of mine, Juan Enrique Zegers A, on the questions of obedience and authority. These are not my thoughts, but I share them as a reflection because I found this compilation of his to be quite beautiful: What if I am right, and "the wise man" or the authority is wrong? Several cases can happen: A. One's own opinion seems best, but it is not so because of personal error or because the authority has more data. B. That opinion that is best for me is worse for others and the authority must seek the good of all. C. That opinion is best for all and the authority is wrong. In the latter case should it be obeyed? There are also several possibilities: A. If the matter is of little importance - it is normal - one obeys and that's it: one loses the good of correctness, but gains the good of peace and of the exercise of obedience. B. If the matter is important, one tries to clarify it by speaking with the authority or with one

Why Catholics Owe Assent to Fiducia Supplicans

EDIT (12-28-2023): To be extra specific, documents themselves do not hold status as either magisterial or not -- only specific sentences or phrases in documents require assent (see Humani Generis 20 for evidence of this). Herein, I want to offer some thoughts on the recent document of the Dicastery of the Doctrine of the Faith, and signed by P. Francis, entitled “Fiducia Supplicans” (below referred to as “FS”) and the recent interview that Cardinal Fernández, the head of said Dicastery, gave with The Pillar: It seems clear in Catholic ecclesiology [as I demonstrated in my blog post dated December 17, 2023 and linked below (ie. Praestantia Scripturae 4 and Donum Veritatis 18, which is made clearer by the concluding paragraph of the 1998 Professio Fidei)] that a document of the DDF approved by the Pope shares in the Pope's ordinary, papal Magisterium, and we Catholics have a duty to interpret these non-definitive magisterial documents in light of the greater tradition and teachings,

Reflections on P. Leo XIII and Assent Due to Infallible Teachings of the Magisterium

Yet another beautiful excerpt from P. Leo XIII on the assent owed to teachings which are considered to be divinely revealed (see 1st paragraph teachings of the 1998 Professio Fidei). Also how the Church's Magisterium is the only authority which can determine what articles of faith have been divinely revealed. Private individuals, whether educated or not, don't have this authority. He also gives wisdom from St. Thomas Aquinas as to why an infallible authority is necessary for any ecclesiastical body whatever.  I have given the entire paragraph in its entirety; however, I did insert spaces between statements to make reading easier. Enjoy! SAPIENTIAE CHRISTIANAE ENCYCLICAL OF POPE LEO XIII  ON CHRISTIANS AS CITIZENS  Paragraph 22. Now, as the Apostle Paul urges, this unanimity ought to be perfect. Christian faith reposes not on human but on divine authority, for what God has revealed "we believe not on account of the intrinsic evidence of the truth perceived by the natural li

ASSENT TO THE NON-DEFINITIVE MAGISTERIUM - A Brief Look at Key Selections From Magisterial Documents

ASSENT TO THE NON-DEFINITIVE MAGISTERIUM A BRIEF LOOK AT KEY SELECTIONS FROM MAGISTERIAL DOCUMENTS Compiled by Parker H Zurbuch on December 15, 2023 ***The below links are best used in the Google Chrome browser, as they will open to the exact cited paragraph in the particular document. *** EDIT (12-28-2023): To be extra specific, documents themselves do not hold status as either magisterial or not -- only specific sentences or phrases in documents require assent (see Humani Generis 20 for evidence of this). Quanta Cura  5 (Pope BI. Pius IX - 1864): Catholics must assent to Magisterial teachings on faith and morals, but also to teachings on other matters, as well. "Nor can we pass over in silence the audacity of those who, not enduring sound doctrine, contend that “without sin and without any sacrifice of the Catholic profession assent and obedience may be refused to those judgments and decrees of the Apostolic See, whose object is declared to concern t